Trauma Therapy

Are there memories that pop up at times that you wish wouldn’t? Are there life events, people, emotions that you are unable to let go of or move forward from? Trauma can come in all different shapes and sizes and everyone’s trauma will look different. The underlying fact is: we all have trauma to some extent. Whether it is one big moment, small moments throughout life or both. You are not alone in holding on to something that was said or done to you in the past. It is hard to move forward when you are still grieving what you have lost or did not get. It is important to approach life with an “and” instead of a “but.” During your time in counseling at Novo Therapy you will begin to learn that you can feel joy and sadness. You can experience freedom and still be held back by memories. This can free you to loosen the expectations to “just get over it” when that is not possible. Instead of feeling like you have to be 100% good or 100% bad, what if you just shot for somewhere in the middle and learned that that is where real, authentic life happens?

American culture teaches individuals to have an all or nothing mindset. With processing trauma it is important to recognize that you are going to fall in the middle at times. It is not possible to “fix” your trauma. What is possible is giving yourself space to feel everything you need to and talk through the hardships you have faced. There are no expectations on your healing journey. You may move forward one day and stay stagnant the next, this is healing and you are worthy of healing.

Embarking on your healing journey in regards to your trauma can feel overwhelming and impossible. Through Novo Therapy you can find freedom, healing and life as you process your trauma. Yes, it is overwhelming to think about bringing memories of trauma back up, but we are going to take it at your speed and direction. You are in control of your healing. 

photo from unsplash