Couples Counseling
Are you exhausted from trying to explain yourself to your partner? Do you feel as if you don’t have the words to help your partner better understand your needs? Have you lost hope in your relationship?
Novo Therapy is here to help breathe life into your relationship again. There are points in relationships where a wall is hit and it feels as if there is nowhere to go. When these moments come (which they do for most relationships) it helps to bring in a therapist to help each partner better understand how to move forward while caring for each other. Your relationship does not have to be “falling apart” to seek out counseling. Couples counseling is for those who are in an amazing relationship who just want to prevent any future hurt or for the couples who are at the end of their rope and are unsure if they can take another step forward. Wherever you are it is brave to come to counseling with your partner. This is vulnerable and exposing at times, but once we hit the real reason you and your partner are in the dance you are in the vulnerable and exposing will lead to love and intimacy.
At Novo Therapy we help couples recognize the negative patterns in their relationship and give them the tools and space they need to slowly start to change their patterns to positive ones. There is no shame or guilt in the therapy room, everyone is accepted and seen equally. Starting couples counseling can be vulnerable but it will enhance your individual life and the life of your relationship.
photo from unsplash