How do I tell someone I am seeing a therapist?
Whether you are trying to tell a parent, partner or friend — explaining that you are seeing a therapist can be anxiety provoking.
What if they ask me why? What if they think I am weak or that something is wrong with me?
These are common questions for people to ask themselves when considering telling someone they are seeing a therapist. First, it is important to remember that you do not have to tell anyone that you are seeing a therapist if you do not feel comfortable doing so. Second, I would ask yourself, “what was I taught throughout my life about prioritizing my mental health?” Where you taught that mental health really is not al that important because you can just keep everyone happy by pushing issues under the rug? Where you taught that the way to walk through emotional distress is through screaming and fighting? There is no shame in the way you were taught to handle your mental health. Maybe that is what served you best in the moment, but now you are realizing that it does not serve you.
Seeking out help to process pain and emotions so that you are healthier emotionally and mentally is an immensely selfless, strong and compassionate act to take. Whatever the narrative you have had about mental health in the past it is important to recognize that mental health is deeply important to living congruently with you are and who you want to be.
You maybe struggling with an eating disorder, anxiety, self esteem struggles, relational distress, depression or anything else that is causing you distress in life. You are worthy of finding healing in all of these areas. You are not too sensitive. You are not dramatic. You are human and feel emotions and that can be a beautiful thing if you allow it to be.
After recognizing all of this and starting to believe it for yourself, start thinking through someone safe to tell you are seeing a therapist and then slowly tell others you feel you need to tell. Who knows, maybe your will destigmatize therapy for them and help them realize they are worthy of healing as well.